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Why is Hemoglobin Quantification Important?

Hemoglobin (Hb) is the main component of red blood cells, and transports the oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.  Measurement of total hemoglobin can be used to determine the presence of anemia or polycythemia.


A healthy, functioning body requires an adequate amount of hemoglobin. The oxygen content in the body tissues relies on how much hemoglobin is in the red blood cells. If the test indicates the patient’s hemoglobin count is above or below a certain threshold, the cause of this deviation must be discovered. Low hemoglobin usually means anemia, which can result from a number of conditions such as excessive bleeding, dietary deficiency, transfusion reaction or blood disorders. High hemoglobin count indicates polycythemia, which can be caused by hypoxia, inappropriate erythropoietin production, genetic polycythemia, and polycythemia vera. 


Hemoglobin levels can also help to determine the patient’s need for blood transfusions. Typically, the patient’s hemoglobin level needs to be below 8 gm/dl before a transfusion is considered.

Normal Range for Total Hemoglobin

Wide Range of Applications

How you can benefit from the efficiency and accuracy of Hemo SCAN:


  • Blood banks

    • Quickly identify eligible donors

  • Primary care

    • Get results when the patient is still present

  • Hospital care

    • Easy and constant monitoring 

  • Pediatric care

    • The small amount of blood sample required minimizes trauma to young patients

  • Blood management 

    • High level quality control from collection to transfusion


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